VBX Prayer & Prep Sunday, June 4 in the Studio 12:15p - 2:30p
Sunday, June 4 is “set-up” day. It will be a time of fellowship, prayer and preparation as well as an opportunity to walk through the schedule and decorate!
This is an important time to pray together for VBX before we start. Please make every effort to be there!
Teaching Materials: Plan to attend our VBX Prayer & Prep Day Sunday, June 4 prior to VBX for lunch with other volunteers, to receive important instructions, decorate the church and pray over the week ahead!
Safe Sanctuaries: In accordance with our church's Safe Sanctuaries Policy, every adult that is volunteering at VBX must complete a Reducing the Risk form. You will need to fill out a complete form if you have never filled one out or it has been over 4 years. (Otherwise, you will need to complete the Update Form.) Additional information on Safe Sanctuaries as well as the training Video can be found on the church's website by clicking the link to the left. Volunteers under the age of 18 are not considered adults and should not be left alone with your class at any time.
Starting Time: VBX begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Teachers should be in their classes each morning no later than 9:10 a.m. A youth helper is NOT considered a teacher and may not be left alone with the class.
Nursery:Nursery services are available to VBX volunteers for children three and under upon request.
Drop Off/Pick Up: Each day, adults will check children in and out. The person picking up the child will be required to be listed on the information sheet and MUST present ID if not known to you. On the first morning, please have the parent check and initial all adults/youth that are authorized for pick-up. Do not hesitate to call for a Director if you have any question regarding the adult picking up!
Name Tags: Name tags should be clipped to the child’s clothing each morning and removed each afternoon. The nametags will remain with you each day.
Rules and Regs: Teachers should expect good behavior from each child. Please review the attached “Game Rules & Regs” link to the left for additional information and ideas.